Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The beach, Cosplay Progress + a quick skirt!

First off, mum and I's trip to the beach went splendid -

Not bad considering it wasn't until I got home that I could finally see what I had taken pictures off - Many good shots where ruined because I didnt realise the dog was standing right int the middle of them >.<# I have splendid eyesight...

Also, a cosplay progress shot -
(Why is the photo at an angle?!?!)

 I really need to get around to buying that darn petticoat, the skirt looks so dull and not poofy Q-Q Anyway, the shirt still isnt finished (obviously), same with the corset, but otherwise things are going swimmingly~

And on a completely different note.

Bad lighting + mirror photo + messy room = terrible photo *headdesk*

I was bored, so I whipped up a skirt! It was meant to be three layers, but I then I got lazy decided 2 was enough. The layers are roll hemmed (seriously cant get enough of those - doing them whenever possible xD).

But then the skirt was too small....

And so! I dug around and found an old black stretch knit jumper, cut it into a band, half sewed the band on, and it occurred to me that the material was in fact navy, not black *headdeskagain* Plus it just had that second hand fabric look which Im not a fan of, especially when the rest of the skirt was new ($1 a meter sale, hells yes! >8D). And so, whilst digging around in my material box, I found a much nicer BLACK stretch knit~

So yeah. Its practically a $1.50 skirt! Will definitely get some better pics, maybe when I can find someone else to take the photo.

Also. I have decided to become a fire dancer.

Hells yes. My calling right there.

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