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Got the photos off the camera!
Im still unsure as to whether or not to fill in the gap under the bg, as most of thats going to be substrate. Ill see once I work out how thick the substrate is going to be, otherwise Ill just put a bit of black cardboard there or something. I forgot to grab a pic of it, but on the feeding platform, there is a removable flat rock. Its hollowed out underneath there is where I shall place velcro. That way, when I put his food or water bowl there, it wont move around, but when there are no bowls there, there isnt just a strip of velcro sitting there.
Ive also started on the plants, but I wont get a pic of that until they are all done! Hopefully I should start grouting this weekend - If I dont have too much schoolwork x_x (eh, knowing me I would do it regardless anyway...)
Future-bluey better like it!
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