Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Further Progress

 Well, I now have the purple skirt complete, and the corset is boned, covered with pretty black satin and almost fully edged. Just have to finish the edging, add in the ringlets, attach the bit of material at the back that goes under the ribbon then add all the gold accents!

Beautiful rolled hem =D First time doing it on my overlocker too~

Tutorial - Sleeping bag hammock for a ferret, rat, chinchilla etc

A photo of Maxie in the very first sleeping bag hammock I ever made...Heck, its probably one of the first things I ever sewed, all those years ago...

A sleeping bag hammock - the perfect bed to keep you beloved ferret, rat, chinchilla, cat even, warm and snuggly!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sewing Stuff

School holidays = Lots of sewing! (Hopefully..If I dont get lazy...)

First off, I went to Perth, where Spotlight was having a sale! I believe that was like, the first time ever Spotlight has had a sale the same week I am in Perth, every other time the sale either stopped like the day I get there, or  starts the day Im leaving, the bastard... :/

But unfortuantly...There was nothing I really needed to buy, so I decided to revamp Max my ferrets cage.


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